
Who we are

Read Behind The Lines is a research project studying the relationship between lifestyle journalism and social media marketing. I, Grier Calagione, am a college senior specializing in lifestyle journalism with minors in marketing and costume design, my focus has been on fashion journalism. This project, working alongside Professor Gorchow, seeks to integrate these diverse areas of expertise into a singular multimedia project dedicated to the study of fashion journalism and marketing.

Research Objectives

  1. Content Impressions: A comprehensive study of how lifestyle journalism content performs on each platform, specifically focusing on the engagement levels and audience interaction with multimedia content.
  2. Cross-Platform Adaptability: Analysis of how content can be effectively repurposed across different outlets, emphasizing the adaptability and resonance of fashion history narratives.
  3. Post-Performance Optimization: Continuous monitoring and adjustment of publication strategies based on post-performance data to enhance the effectiveness of content delivery.
  4. Website Traffic Analysis: Investigation into which platforms drive the highest volume of traffic to the accompanying blog, providing valuable insights into the most impactful outlets for lifestyle journalism.